Tyler and Jen blogging together....second time
Jen: Tyler I hate this new blog layout....im soo confused.
Tyler: Its just like a google doc
Jen: Hmmph.
Tyler: (inappropriate comment for bloggers to read)
Jen: ok lets get back to this blog. We need to write maybe one every two months. New Goal ok?
Tyler: Im beyond goals, i don't need any goals
Jen: Why are you being difficult?
Tyler: I'm 25 I do what I want.
Jen: I love you...moving on...ok so we biked 9.7 miles today :)
Tyler: It was a ten mile bike ride
Jen: Dont round up, it was 9.7
Tyler: We also had mashed potatoes
Jen: Are we always going to tell them what we had for dinner, if so you forgot that they were garlic mashed potatoes, and we had stuffing along with chocolate milk. Very carby.
Tyler: Way too many details.
Jen: Ok, well i'm done with the blog, anything you want to say?
Tyler: I clipped my fingernails
Jen: Worst blogger ever. Sorry everyone, I thought tonight would be more amusing. Till the next month we decided to "blog together"
9 years ago